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How to Smile for Happiness

Smiles (or what appears to be smiling) are infectious. You can rest easily in the crowd, smiling, while improving their happiness. In fact, Smiling helps make you feel better emotionally because it releases endorphins, brain chemicals that relieve pain and increase feelings of satisfaction. In addition, the smiles are contagious, which means you can increase the happiness of others around you, simply sharing one if you know the person. If you want an easy and effective way to alleviate your mood and the atmosphere around you, try to smile more, all for the sake of happiness.

1- Consider the neuroscience behind the smile. People are drawn to others who smile. [1] We are forced to spend more time around someone who smiles and sharing wellness chemical induces us smile. While a frown out the other because we are afraid of catching their negativity, which is also contagious. And who catch - the blues or feel happy joy? Laughter, an extension of smiles, is also contagious and lovers tend to draw us to their side too. [2] Have you noticed that on television, laughter is heard in the lower parts of the program that are not that funny? In fact, the producers know that laughter is contagious, and when the public hears laughter, things seem funnier than they really are.

2-Smile to keep a positive attitude. Smiles increases our sense of well being and sense of positivity. A test to show how you can stay positive smile is to smile and try to think of something negative, but keep trying to smile. We will soon see that it is difficult, often too hard to do! When you smile, your body and your mind are sending a message to you all is well, and that life is beautiful. Smile can ease and feel depressed; In fact, it practiced regularly, it works better than any type of medication to relieve stress.
Smile mood swings. When you feel sad, start smiling. Your mood will be. Smile tricks the body to change your mood for the better.

3-smile seem to make you more successful. Smiling people appear more confident and more likely to be promoted. [4] [5] [6] This seems to happen because his cheerful smile put your head in a good mood, and are more likely to be approached by many people, making it a place of social work the butterfly " go-to "person who keeps morale high. Additionally, smiling around your boss can make you feel more charitable (see below), which are more likely to see it as worthy promotional material. Smile at meetings, and see that people will respond to you in favor (of course, do so in the context - will not be as necessary after a loss of mid-year profit announced)."happy poems"

4-Smile to look younger. Smile can make you look younger and maybe even take years off your actual age. [7] The muscles used to smile lift the face, which is a way of making you look much younger. Furthermore, only a smile you look younger than adopting a dour, the face look all the time. Of course, not force things - a natural and spectacular smile will make people care about what you're doing! Just try to smile all the feed calendar day of the nice things and sending love to others smile. Some ways to increase the power of your smile (and hopefully spark your youth) include:
Learn to smile with your eyes.
Try smize.

5-Smile is more lenient and tolerant of frustration. It has been shown that the poor tend to be happier people antagonistic. [8] In order to reduce this feeling of anxiety and frustration inside to the outside, cover your concerns with a smile. When you are intolerant to frustration, which can manifest itself outwardly in the face as the acidity and movements of rigid bodies. In addition, it plays havoc with your sense of calm and leaves you in a horrible environment that persists [8] Of course, the smile your way through moments of frustration not to be confused by others to be a child or indifferent game -. Watch smile relevance on such occasions. And never use your smile to hide feelings of sadness about the direction that the relationship problems are - smiles do not take appropriate forum for communication and work on things together.

6 smile to be kind and compassionate to others. Use of smiles to open up to others and seems to cater help increase feelings of kindness to others. [8] Legitimate justice means to be happy when you help others, [9] as a smile could be interpreted as a way to help others, and that makes them smile and feel good too! Go the extra mile; allow the cashier to keep the change, let the woman behind you cut in line, avoiding road rage, and do what I can to make it right and fair to the others. [8] And all the time, all smiles."happy poems"

7-smile around your spouse. Happiness is important in marriage and perspectives that spouses are easily influenced by the moods of each. An increase in the positive attitude of one spouse can easily increase the positive feelings of the other spouse (as is also the opposite may apply). The closeness of the spouses to each other has been shown to positively influence the other greatly in this way. In the case of a phenomenon known as "the health of the party," health behaviors partners tend to influence each good or bad habits of partners, including smiling. [8] As such, they intend to influence another positive as possible. As mentioned above, however, not cover their feelings of frustration or unhappiness things away pretending smile - always leave the door open communication. A smile can ease your way into a difficult but necessary conversations ...

8-Smile to relieve stress. Smile can be used as a quick stress reliever and as a habitual response to avoid long-term stress. [10] shows easily in the face, stress can burn lines and frown lines permanently unless we find constructive ways around. Smiling helps keep you looking exhausted or overwhelmed. When you are stressed and find ways to reduce stressors, try putting a smile. Smile could not solve the problems (which will have to fight the sources separately), but will increase your sense of well being, and you appear happy. In addition, it indicates the brain that you feel that stress is better you feel. This can quickly reduce their feelings of stress, and prevents the transfer of stress to others, they can take a more positive brand instead. It is a virtuous circle - when others are happy, you will become happier too, and so on. You can even start laughing, then others might too. In order to turn around every time constraint and end in smiles and laughter instead.

9-Smile for better health. You can feel hard to smile when you feel bad physically, but a smile can boost your immune system also improving their overall feelings of well being.Moreover, smile has good effects on blood pressure, significantly reduced (which also helps to reduce feelings of stress). When you smile to be more relaxed, resulting in a measurable reduction in blood pressure. And as already it noted, smiling releases endorphins, painkillers and serotonin natural pain of his brain. When these two brain chemicals that work together, increase your pain tolerance and help to increase their sense of well-being. For those who are actually able to access it, the feeling may be better than painkillers! And if that was not enough to convince the health effects of a good smile, consider smilers live on average seven years longer than those without a smile! [11] Therefore, smile every day! Obviously you need to exercise, eat well and live a healthy life, and smile. The conviction that you will live longer can make you happier, because you think you have more years to be happy and enjoy life."happy poems"

10 men Trends hate and women Love

Trends come and trends go. Certainly there are trends that we like and trends that are fun. The Bucket challenge was fun and raised money for a good cause. And fortunately, he lived a short life full of pleasure and slipped quietly like all good trends should. But it seems that some only cause a lot of irritation for us men before they disappear forever trends.

Sometimes it is because the trend is ugly. Sometimes the trend is futile. Sometimes the trend is simply much overused. And sometimes it is too hard for the right people. In any case, there are trends that should just die a horrible death, as soon as humanly possible.

1. UGG boots! Legend has it that the Ugg boots were given the name because the owner's wife thought it was ugly. She was right - they're ugly. We can understand that this is a short for some pre-teen girls who do not know better temporal fashion, but find true grown adults wearing these things! If you own a pair of Ugg boots, do the world a favor, throw and buy a pair of royal boots.

2. The now mandatory Pay-It-Forward at Starbucks or everyone hates you fashion. Paying forward is a great concept. And we totally agree. But it seems that Starbucks became a contest to see how long the chain can get. And if you decide to end the string, tempers flare and everyone assumes you're a big jerk, even when you are not.

If you want to pay before going! The world needs more kindness. But do not feel.

3. fake glasses. Not only do people buy fake glasses-resistance transparent plastic lens, we now have people who buy fake glasses have no lenses at all! Listen carefully: You can not pretend to be a nerd glasses and without force should not be used as an accessory. Let's be realistic here - nobody is going to see Justin Bieber in a pair of fake glasses and assume they have any intelligence."happy poems"

4. yoga pants if they do yoga. Ok - truth be told. We like yoga pants. And we are not demanding. Yoga pants look a little nice for many different body styles.

But there comes a time when yoga pants go "Oh yes" to "No. Oh please do not!" If there is an overflow waving on top, open holes rubbed on the thighs or shoot them if need greasing, please go back to sweat pants.

5. Look Smokey Eye. Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Mila Kunis and Angelina Jolie all rocks smoky eye look. They are sensual, seductive and oh-so-sexy. But just as drawn to the eyebrows, this look is not for everyone.

We have seen cases of a smoky eye look that made us wonder if the girl was not a raccoon or internal vampire clawing desperately to leave. When it comes to eye makeup - keep silent rather than overestimated.

6.Juicing. Yes, it's supposed to be healthy (we think). But we do not like anyway. Why you ask? It makes us gag. The end result tastes like earth and in general we secretly believe that the list of ingredients includes grass clippings, dirt, freshly dug worms and all sorts of other unpleasant ingredients that are supposed to be healthy for us. But we not always want healthy. We love steak. And fries. And beer. And the juice does not know beer. Already.

7. # # # # hash mark all! We are not alone in thinking this way has gone overboard. France even banned official word. OK - The French are a little nutty at times, but have a point. Too many hashtags in a prayer line or long-term hashtags after a simple sentence smell of desperation."happy poems"

Everything is stirred and 90% of what is hashtagged not read by anyone, but the person who wrote it. # Please #Give #Il #Rest #A. #CompletelyMadeUpStatistic.

8. gluten. This is easy: we want our bread. White bread. The guy who smushes together and good taste grilled cheese with individual slices are wrapped in plastic.
The simple fact is that most people do not have a problem with gluten. But there are all kinds of slippery people out there making money on you to believe you are doing. So - unless you have been diagnosed by a physician really is time for a murderer grilled cheese.

9. SWAG as noun, verb, adjective, adverb and exclamatory sentence. You do not have loot. And if you think you do, put your hat around straight, pull your pants and ask your mother if you can have some ice cream before bed.

And for those who do not know yet, SWAG no means "are secretly gay", but this is 2014 and, frankly, not much attention and sexual orientation. Because of overuse, the word simply does not address more useful.

10.Keep quiet ... .. Insert whatever you want here. Just calm meme. There are many things that deserve some emotion and attitude. And frankly, people still love to fuck dungeon calm are those who share this post on Facebook in 30 seconds reading so they can earn a lot of money in the same old Bill Gates."happy poems"

Why success is about sacrifice, not to find happiness

There is a difference between our needs and our goals - a difference that is incredibly important to reach fulfillment. There is a general consensus on what people want more out of life. We want to work, but not much. We want excitement and change, but at the same time, we want stability and security. Above all, we want to be happy.

Happiness is the one thing that everyone in the world wants. People will vary depending on how they want to be successful, rich, actively working, but when it comes to happiness, everyone wants to be happy as humanly possible. The problem is that happiness is not a destination, a goal; it is a state of being. We can not achieve happiness - that can only be happy. Once you come to understand and accept this aspect of life, be happy is much easier."happy poems"

Happiness is a fleeting emotion. At one time, we can feel joyful and happy and unhappy, sad or uncertain the next. Happiness is not last indefinitely or continuous; It is a state that weave in and out as we go life. Some things we feel will make us happy, while others make us sad.

Others still put us in a number of other emotional states and fluctuate from there. The trick is not to put the happiness your goal in life - the trick is to set goals that will help you be happy while you live and do your best to achieve them. Do not be discouraged; which means that happiness is not something you have to wait indefinitely and may be lost if they are not successful. Happy is something that can be at any time during any time in his life. The trick is to maximize activities and situations to the best of their ability, that make you happy and minimize that make you unhappy.

This, like most things in life, is not as simple as it seems. Knowing what makes you happy and what will make you unhappy is difficult to understand without any prior experience of having done this activity or being in that situation / position.

This means you can not just rest on our back and create a list of all the things we need to maximize that will make us happy and a list of things to avoid because they make us unhappy. If you have not lived and experienced the emotions related activities and events, so you do not have the emotional impact on you know. If you try, then you will not know how you will react to it - simple as that.

That is why we always urge you ask people out of their comfort zones. We like our comfort zones, and they are equipped with past experiences that we like to relive some - experiences that gave us positive emotional results the first few times you experience. Unfortunately, human beings are more complicated than that. We can return to live eternally past experiences in the hope of reviving the joy we have experienced. When it comes to the experiences we have lived, reliving the product of diminishing returns."happy poems"

It can be very happy to do an activity, the first time, but once you get comfortable and start to predict the outcome, eliminating the element of surprise and boredom will. That is why our comfort zones are dead zones where rarely experience true happiness, but comply with the experiments anyway, since they are less likely to bring misfortune. You happiness at one end of the spectrum, the misfortune of others, and everything else is your comfort zone.

So how do you put in a state of happiness? To understand that there are always compromises to be made and set goals that respond to our willingness to sacrifice. For each good in the world, evil which accompanies it. Nothing is perfect and compromises must be made. The person sitting 9-5 office has a steady job and a steady income. They need not worry about paying your bills or pay the rent. However, they have to sit at a desk all day and discover some excitement.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have people who are entrepreneurs. Employers set their own hours and generally experience more than his share of excitement. However, the rent and cover the expenses are not guaranteed. If the company is not doing well, then the contractor will not receive a salary - they are always the last to get paid. This applies to employment in all sectors and all other aspects of your life. Whether your relationship, your job or how you spend your free time, there are always compromises you have to make. So how do we know what we have to compromise?

The only way to be sure of any result going through the motions and the experience itself. You may think that being a lawyer is your dream job, but as soon as you realize you have to work 80 hours per week, good pay and may not seem worth it. There is a big difference between loving the "idea" of something and love the real thing.

Many times when we are in our "dream" position, we find that we are not as happy as we thought it would be. This is perfectly acceptable and necessary. You can not understand if something will make you happy, either by yourself or try to talk to someone in the position you are considering and find out all the highs and lows associated with it. If we feel that the commitments are those that are willing to do that in short we feel a positive change in our happiness, then we should go for it.

Otherwise, we have to keep looking. The only thing to consider is that it is all right to change your mind and try something new. The opportunity to be happy forever in a given situation is essentially zero. The real question is: what sacrifices would be happy to do it? Once you understand this, then happiness will not be a goal. It is a condition that experiences each time you do what you enjoy doing."happy poems"

Romantic love is necessary for happiness?

To determine whether romantic love is necessary for happiness, we must first define the difference between romantic love and the love of friends and family. The word love implies a somewhat ethereal quality, and the company, a relationship is considered today to include an aspect of sexual desire. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines romance as "marked by expressions of love or affection" and "favorable or convenient to make love."
On that basis, I see romantic love to include definitions basic hooks love as "the willingness to extend himself in order to feed their own or another's spiritual growth" (hooks, 4) including "care , affection, recognition, respect, commitment and trust and open and honest communication "(5). Romantic love, I believe, goes beyond the love in general, however, and usually includes an element of sexual desire. It is romantic love always involves passion, or may be more stable? My first tendency is to believe that romantic love is such because of the element of passion, without passion, love is just the same as love is the same as the love shared with friends or family. Moreover, two people may be perceived as being in a loving relationship without sexual desire element to another. Like all other kinds of love, I think that those who are in a relationship of romantic love strives to make your partner happy and help their partners achieve all the good in every way, they are able.
I think the distinguishing feature between the love of a friend, and romantic love, most likely, is exclusivity. In other words, someone believed to be in a loving relationship if he or she acts this way only one person. Unlike the friendly love, these feelings of love combined with sexual desire can not be addressed with a person if it is to be considered as a romantic love relationship."happy poems"
Romantic love involves quality fairytale like and very necessary for happiness. Romance is how we, as human beings, to escape the hardships of daily life in modern society. In romantic love, we find someone close to ourselves, which helps us become a better person. [Note: there will be more here]
The dream stereotype in our culture is grown, married, have a happy family, and live in a big house with a white picket fence. While not everyone loves the house and children, how many people do not want the romantic-love relationship? Ideally, this relationship is clear from what John Welwood called a "soul connection." Soul connection is defined as "a resonance between two people who meet the essential beauty of all other individual natures, behind their facades, and are connected to a deeper level." This connection of the soul, they believe, is the latest and most stable for a romantic love relationship foundation. Regarding the soul, the two individuals involved are close together, regardless of their conscious will. In a relationship based on connecting the soul, the two people fall deep love, which they understand and fully respect and admire all the other aspects of being.
The idea that everyone will find the true romantic love in life is foolish. Many people spend their lives looking for the perfect person for them, and miss other potentially good relationships. The truth of this is that in today's society, few people find their ideal partner, "the one." Many people are deceived by the idea that when the perfect combination for a romantic relatioship happens, everything will be perfect and simple. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Even hooks admits that "true love has to do with work" (183). Is it really worth all the effort to have a romantic love relationship? All major components of a romantic love relationship can fulfulled by other relationships.
Romantic love is useless to live a happy and fulfilling life. In the book of Bell Hooks All About Love, addresses many other kinds of love, romantic love also. Hooks explains that before another type of relationship, you need love. I think this pride can replace a component of romantic love. In romantic love, the two people they love and respect the full nature of the other. A confident, stable person, however, should be satisfied with the fact that they like what they are as a person, and should not feel the need for others to let them know what "good" a person they are.
In addition, hooks discusses the incredible importance of love in friendship. In friendship, we give an ally in difficult times, and someone to share their wealth in good times. Similarly, a romantic partner must be a "sounding board" in bad times, and certainly someone to share their good times. Here we see that a strong friendship can change the appearance of the support of a romantic love relationship.
Finally, Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines romance as "favorable or convenient to make love." [The fact?] This property is no longer exclusive to romantic love. The typical thought of our society is that sex is the most appropriate in a romantic context, if not necessary. If one is not romantic love relationship is always possible to satisfy the sexual desires, but based on lust, not romantic love. Therefore, another aspect of a romantic love relationship can be satisfied otherwise. [More anti-love story]
In conclusion, romantic love is certainly a good thing to have if one is able to find, but is essential to a happy life. As I said, all the beneficial aspects of a romantic love relationship can get other relationships with other people. Furthermore, it is possible to have a "soul connection" with someone deeper without persuing the connection in a romantic context.
I think people who are able to have a romantic relationship based on true love are very lucky. I also believe, however, that people should not spend their lives persuing the dream of romantic love. I think as connections romantic love and romantic relationships soul partners often encountered than expected.
I think other kinds of love are far more important than romantic love. I think more energy should be put on the love of family and friends, and love yourself. It seems that we often seek a relationship when they are unhappy or dissatisfied with themselves, and need someone else to assert their positive qualities. Hooks think is absolutely right that we should focus on them before going to love other kinds of relationships.
In essence, I believe that romantic love is a kind of "extra" in life. By this I mean that we must remain focused on other kinds of love, but not close the possibility of a romantic love relationship. If one is in a relationship of perfect romantic love, I think you should consider himself very lucky to be one of the few to achieve this higher level of love."happy poems"

Expatriates in love: the first countries of romance and happiness

The lovers embrace in Boracay, the Philippines, the country that won the category "happier relationships" in a recent survey of expatriates.

Looking for a romantic couple? Greece should be on your itinerary. Want to be in his novel abroad happy? Consider living in the Philippines. Love is the most important reason moving abroad? Then you can be Dutch.

These are among the findings of a survey of larger expatriates conducted by Internations. The site and information networks surveyed 14,000 expatriates from over 165 countries in its latest survey Expat Insider.

The survey found that 14 percent of all expatriates leaving their country for love. And more than half of all expatriates are in an intercultural relationship.

On average, about one third of all expats are in a relationship with a local resident, but the survey highlights five countries with exceptionally high percentages: Philippines (66 percent), Argentina (55 percent), Chile (54 percent ), Mexico (54 percent) and Greece (53 percent).

The Philippines also topped the list of countries with high levels of satisfaction with the relationship: 56 percent, compared to the world average of 43 percent. In Greece, 53 percent reported that romantic.

One in ten foreigners are trailing spouses, who moved to the pair of the company or educational opportunities. The survey said 86 percent of these spouses are women. And 20 percent of men living in a relationship has a long distance relationship with a partner at home.

Greece is the destination with the highest number of foreign fans, and the Dutch are the most likely to cite the love that their main reason for moving abroad.

Expatriates, your love knows no limits. Moving abroad has helped or hurt your love life? Take our own poll below, and tell us in the comments."happy poems"

There is magic in your smile

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

It is a rough morning. First, my alarm is not triggered. So I'm late for my son to school because other driver decides to drive me. No damage my car, but it ruins my mood completely. Can I get my doctors appointment only to realize that I am an hour early. Just great. It must be a case of the Mondays!

I decided to jump in the small French cafe around the corner for a cup of tea while I'm waiting. As I sit in my little gray cloud, my pretty young server Colette flashes me a dazzling smile that sticks there for all interaction. I can not stop smiling. In fact, I find myself smiling, even washing hands in the bathroom. Suddenly, my day did not seem so bad. I finished my tea and head for my appointment with a smile on my face, feeling as if I put on a pair of rose-colored glasses. Today's lesson? It happens that when I smile, the world smiles.

Scientific and spiritual teachers also agree that the simple act and can turn the world around you. Current research (and common sense) tells us that the smile is contagious (1). It can make us look more attractive to others. Our moods and the moods of those around us rises. (Thanks, Colette). It may even lengthen our lives (2). So before you read on, slapping a pretty sincere smile on the face of their own. You'll thank me later.

Smile affects how your brain"happy poems"

Every time you smile wellness a party in your brain. Being active neuronal messaging smile that benefits your health and happiness.

For starters, the release neuropeptides smile assets involved in the fight against stress (3). Neuropeptides are small molecules that allow neurons to communicate. Facilitate messaging throughout the body when we are happy, sad, angry, depressed, excited. Feeling good neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are released when a smile on his face and blink (4). This not only relaxes your body, but can slow the heart rate and blood pressure.

Endorphins also act as a natural painkiller - 100% organic without the potential negative side effects of synthetic concoctions (4).

Finally, the release of serotonin caused by antidepressant serves your smile height / mood (5). Today many antidepressant drugs also affect serotonin levels in the brain, but with a smile, not again do not have to worry about negative side effects - and you do not need a prescription your doctor.

Smile how it affects your body"happy poems"

You are actually more beautiful when you smile - and I'm not trying to butter up. When you smile, people treat you differently. You are considered attractive, reliable, quiet and sincere. A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia reported that upon seeing a smiling face attractive asset their orbitofrontal cortex, the area in the brain that processes sensory rewards. This suggests that when a person is smiling, actually feel rewarded.

It also explains the results in 2011 by researchers from the Laboratory for Research on the face of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. The subjects were asked to evaluate the smile and attractive. They found that men and women are more attracted by the images of people who made eye contact and smiled at those who do not (6). If you do not believe me, see how many looks you get when you walk outside the door with his smile now. (You're still smiling as I asked, right?)

How Smile affects those around you"happy poems"

Did you know that your smile is really contagious? The part of the brain that is responsible for facial expression smile when happy or imitating a smile is in the cingulate cortex, a zone automatic unconscious response (7). Joy, anger, fear and surprise: In a Swedish study, subjects images of various emotions shown. When presented the smiling image of someone, the researchers asked the subjects to frown. Instead, they found that facial expressions were directly to imitation of which subjects saw (8). It took a conscious effort to turn that smile upside down. So if you're smiling to someone, you probably can not stop smiling. If they do not, they make a conscious effort not to.

Looking at the big picture, every time you smile at someone, your brain coaxes them to return the favor. A symbiotic relationship that allows both to release feel good chemicals in your brain, activating reward centers, you do so much more attractive and increase the chances of living longer and healthier is created.

My morning began a complete disaster. Anyone in my place would have been wrong when they come to this cafe. We can not always control what happens to us, but I'm 100% sure that adorn the face with a smile can seriously change its internal and external experience. Her smile is something that should be used often, so make it a priority to surround yourself with people, places and things that brighten the day. Voting for the happy positive person in your group of friends. Often see funny movies and be sure to look people in the eye and show your pearly whites. The world is a better place when you smile."happy poems"

7 Good Reasons to Smile

When you smile, the world smiles

Smile comes without much thought. When you see a friend doing something stupid or embarrassing, that smile. When a policeman takes your ticket, smiling. And when he is recognized for its superior performance in academics or work the beam. Smile is a very natural response to share our happiness with others.

But did you know that the smile also triggers activity in his brain? Yes, there is a serious mind-body connection there, in the left frontal cortex to be exact, which is not surprising that the area of ​​your brain that registers happiness.

How often do you smile a day? Do you smile when you meet new people? When you see your friends? Some of your colleagues? What about your partner? His face has 44 muscles in it that allow you to make over 5,000 different types of expressions, many smiles. Read on for seven reasons why smiling is good for you, your health and your social life!

7 Things to smile"happy poems"

1. Smile can make you happy (even when you're not).
Remember the mind-body connection we speak? Well, it turns out that the simple act of smiling sends a message to the brain that you are happy. And when you are happy, your body pumps all kinds of endorphins being. This reaction has been studied since the 1980s and has been repeatedly demonstrated. In 1984, an article in the journal Science has shown that when people imitate various emotional expressions, their bodies produce physiological changes that reflect the excitement, too, such as changes in heart rate and breathing. Another German study found that people were happy just by taking a small enclosure closed at its teeth, imitating a smile.

Remember that the search goes both ways. When people in the first study frowned, feeling less happy, and in the German study, people who held a pen in her pouting lips, imitating a face, she was unhappy. So next time you feel sad or angry, tries to smile. You could make your body and, therefore, you feel better.

2. smile can make others happy.
"When you're smilin ', the whole world smiles with you." Have you heard that song made famous by Louis Armstrong? Well, it's true. Research shows that smiling is contagious. Ever you have been around someone who just had a fantastic thing to happen to him or her? It's almost impossible not to feel good, too? Studies show that something as simple as seeing a friend smile can turn your face muscles to make this same expression, without even being aware of what you do. Crazy, right?

But remember this, too, can be for good or ill. You know the phrase "misery loves company"? Frowns act as smiles, only a negative reaction, so choose to smile and watch the world smiles!

3. smile makes you more attractive."happy poems"
You ever wonder why we are asked to smile in photos? Because people tend to look your best and happiest when he smiles. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 96 percent of American adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more attractive to the opposite sex. So next time you're about to ask someone on a date, smile. This will make them feel happier (see # 2) and you will be more attractive to your eyes!

4. smile can help eliminate stress.
The next time you are stressed by work or realize that your favorite jeans feel a little tight, do not panic. Take a few deep breaths and smile! Smiling can help reduce the symptoms associated with anxiety. When smile that signals the brain to feel happy (even if you're not really feel happy ... yet), your body usually your breathing and heart rate slow down.

Reducing stress is important for health, too, because it can lower blood pressure, improve digestion and regulate blood sugar. Note that this works during exercise, too! If you are having difficulty getting through that last rep or get the last 5 minutes on the treadmill, the smile can do wonders!

5. smile can help you get a job."happy poems"
If you are about to go to a job interview, you may think that your appearance is just wear nice clothes. Wrong! You can not use this suit; you have to wear a smile. In a study published in the December 2009 edition of Social Psychology News, people looked at the pictures of whole body of 123 people who had never known. The people in the photos were one of two expressions: neutral (think of your passport photo) or a smile. And guess what? When observers saw pictures of smiling people were more likely to believe that the person in the photo was friendly, confident, conscious and stable. Features appear most companies want in an employee, right? So the next time you dress to impress, be sure to take this beautiful, natural smile with you!

6. smile can lead to laughter.
Have you ever laughed without smiling? It is absolutely impossible to do. And it's funny how a smile here and a smile with friends can become a whole hysterical laughter. Many studies have been done on the benefits of laughter, including how it acts as a mini-workout that burns calories and work your abs. Laughter also helps blood circulation, lowers blood sugar, reduces stress and improves sleep. You can also increase the level of antibodies that fight infection in the body, which helps boost your immune system. So the moral of this story is to smile and laugh often!

7. Smile just feels good."happy poems"
Have you ever found that smile feels just right? Go ahead, smile now. It did not feel natural? You feel happy to be alive? He did not want the heck out of a frown.

So next time you feel depressed or angry, is a smile. If you can not find a reason to smile, pop in a fun DVD, read the Sunday comics or call a friend. Heck, you may even be able to read the word smile and feel better. According to a study published in Psychological Science, simply reading certain words can also have the same effect. Like seeing another person smile makes you smile, reading emotion verbs (like smile, smile, frown, etc.) can also activate specific facial muscles.