There is magic in your smile

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

It is a rough morning. First, my alarm is not triggered. So I'm late for my son to school because other driver decides to drive me. No damage my car, but it ruins my mood completely. Can I get my doctors appointment only to realize that I am an hour early. Just great. It must be a case of the Mondays!

I decided to jump in the small French cafe around the corner for a cup of tea while I'm waiting. As I sit in my little gray cloud, my pretty young server Colette flashes me a dazzling smile that sticks there for all interaction. I can not stop smiling. In fact, I find myself smiling, even washing hands in the bathroom. Suddenly, my day did not seem so bad. I finished my tea and head for my appointment with a smile on my face, feeling as if I put on a pair of rose-colored glasses. Today's lesson? It happens that when I smile, the world smiles.

Scientific and spiritual teachers also agree that the simple act and can turn the world around you. Current research (and common sense) tells us that the smile is contagious (1). It can make us look more attractive to others. Our moods and the moods of those around us rises. (Thanks, Colette). It may even lengthen our lives (2). So before you read on, slapping a pretty sincere smile on the face of their own. You'll thank me later.

Smile affects how your brain"happy poems"

Every time you smile wellness a party in your brain. Being active neuronal messaging smile that benefits your health and happiness.

For starters, the release neuropeptides smile assets involved in the fight against stress (3). Neuropeptides are small molecules that allow neurons to communicate. Facilitate messaging throughout the body when we are happy, sad, angry, depressed, excited. Feeling good neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are released when a smile on his face and blink (4). This not only relaxes your body, but can slow the heart rate and blood pressure.

Endorphins also act as a natural painkiller - 100% organic without the potential negative side effects of synthetic concoctions (4).

Finally, the release of serotonin caused by antidepressant serves your smile height / mood (5). Today many antidepressant drugs also affect serotonin levels in the brain, but with a smile, not again do not have to worry about negative side effects - and you do not need a prescription your doctor.

Smile how it affects your body"happy poems"

You are actually more beautiful when you smile - and I'm not trying to butter up. When you smile, people treat you differently. You are considered attractive, reliable, quiet and sincere. A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia reported that upon seeing a smiling face attractive asset their orbitofrontal cortex, the area in the brain that processes sensory rewards. This suggests that when a person is smiling, actually feel rewarded.

It also explains the results in 2011 by researchers from the Laboratory for Research on the face of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. The subjects were asked to evaluate the smile and attractive. They found that men and women are more attracted by the images of people who made eye contact and smiled at those who do not (6). If you do not believe me, see how many looks you get when you walk outside the door with his smile now. (You're still smiling as I asked, right?)

How Smile affects those around you"happy poems"

Did you know that your smile is really contagious? The part of the brain that is responsible for facial expression smile when happy or imitating a smile is in the cingulate cortex, a zone automatic unconscious response (7). Joy, anger, fear and surprise: In a Swedish study, subjects images of various emotions shown. When presented the smiling image of someone, the researchers asked the subjects to frown. Instead, they found that facial expressions were directly to imitation of which subjects saw (8). It took a conscious effort to turn that smile upside down. So if you're smiling to someone, you probably can not stop smiling. If they do not, they make a conscious effort not to.

Looking at the big picture, every time you smile at someone, your brain coaxes them to return the favor. A symbiotic relationship that allows both to release feel good chemicals in your brain, activating reward centers, you do so much more attractive and increase the chances of living longer and healthier is created.

My morning began a complete disaster. Anyone in my place would have been wrong when they come to this cafe. We can not always control what happens to us, but I'm 100% sure that adorn the face with a smile can seriously change its internal and external experience. Her smile is something that should be used often, so make it a priority to surround yourself with people, places and things that brighten the day. Voting for the happy positive person in your group of friends. Often see funny movies and be sure to look people in the eye and show your pearly whites. The world is a better place when you smile."happy poems"

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