Feel happy? Go ahead and smile - but note that you can say about yourself than you think.
The meaning of a smile changes depending on the social context, studies show. Some smiles bring benefits, but others reveal a hidden weakness. Human smile more, depending on who speak and those smiles may hint at his future.
Without further ado, here are five things your smile tells others about you.
How strong a fighter are you?
The link between smiles and holds power in the physical realm, too. In one study, the fighters of mixed martial arts professionals smiling in pictures taken the day before a game were more likely to lose fighters who had a difficult mug for the camera.
The fight is a matter of domination, and smiles can point without realizing that a person is less dominant, hostile or aggressive, the researchers reported online January 28, 2013 in the journal Emotion.
Even untrained observers took the message in the smiles, the same study found. People saw a fighter like most reliable and pleasant, but less aggressive and less dominant physically, if they saw him smile against posing with a neutral expression.
Delivery? Smiles grease the social machinery in most situations, and happiness is often a bargain. But if you are one-on-one to go to a competition rule, put your game face.
How powerful are you?
The smiles are not just happiness. They are also a sign of social status. A study in 1998 found in the personality of the newspaper and Social Psychology Bulletin largest energy people, and the people who interact with others of equal power, grinned when they were happy.
However, people with less social power to interact with the person that smiled regardless of their own emotions.
The results suggest that the powerful are smiling privilege when they like, while those with less power are obliged to smile to ingratiate.
How to win?
The smile of a teenager can predict the amount of money he or she will gain in adulthood. A study published in 2012 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, happy teenagers won 10 percent more income than the average of 29 years, while black teens earn 30 percent less than average this age.
Happiness is probably associated with fewer complications and less stress, the study investigators said. Fewer complications means more mental space to focus on job-related tasks.
How rich are you?
A healthy smile can reflect his overall health, several studies show. For women, the smiles may even reveal fertility.
Women with gum disease had an average of two months longer to conceive than women without, according to a study published in 2009 in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology. Gum disease is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, respiratory disease and kidney disease. The link appears linked to increased inflammation that accompanies gum disease, researchers found.
It will last your marriage?
Marital happiness may be related to an easy smile. According to a study published in 2009 in the journal Motivation and emotion, the way people smile in old photographs predicts later success in marriage.
In one study, psychologists evaluate yearbook photos of smiling college for strength (muscle stretching around the mouth and eyes) people. They found that none of the larger Grinners divorced later in life. In comparison, 25 percent experienced the most impassive divorce.
A second study of childhood photos of people over 65 found a similar link. Among those with the biggest smiles in the photographs of the children, 11 percent had later divorce, compared to 31 percent less smiling.
A great smile can reflect a happy and carefree approach to life, the researchers reported. Or smiles can attract a happy couple, and lead to a happy relationship.
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